Employment Standard
Under the AODA, Ontario Regulation 191/11, entitled, Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation, (the “Integrated Regulation”) came into force July 1, 2011. The regulation establishes accessibility standards for employment.
Spicers Canada ULC (“Spicers” or the “Company”) is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have the same opportunity of access to employment opportunities and related services as do all prospective employees and employees.
Spicers is committed to meeting the accessibility needs of people with disabilities, in a timely manner, in its human resources practices, processes, policies and procedures and employment related services.
The commitments in this policy are intended to ensure that accessibility remains a priority in Spicers decision-making process and will serve to assist in ensuring that decisions improve accessibility and do not inadvertently create barriers.
This policy is intended to meet the requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standards, Ontario Regulation 191/11 for the Employment Standard set forth under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. This policy applies to the provision of accessible employment services for persons with disabilities.
All employment services provided by Spicers Canada ULC will follow the principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity.
Recruitment, Assessment and Selection Process
By January 1, 2016, Spicers will ensure that in its recruitment practices, the public is made aware that it will provide accommodation for applicants with disabilities in its recruitment, assessment and selection process.
When Spicers selects job applicants for a job section process, it will make applicants aware that, upon request, they have access to accommodation in relation to materials and processes that will be used for applicant selection and that take into account their accessibility needs due to disability.
When Spicers makes an offer of employment, it will notify the successful applicant of our policy on accommodating employees with disabilities.
Support for Employees
By January 1, 2016, Spicers will inform employees of its policy of supporting employees with disabilities and procedures that provide for job accommodations.
Spicers will make this information available as soon as practicable to new employees and will provide updated information as policies are revised.
Accessible Formations and Communication Support
By January 1, 2016, where an employee with a disability so requests, Spicers will consult with the employee to provide or arrange for accessible formats and communication supports in relation to information that is generally available to employees in the workplace and that the employee needs to perform his or her job.
In determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication as required above, Spicers will consult with the employee making the request.
Workplace Emergency Response Information
Where required, Spicers Canada ULC will create individual workplace emergency response information for employees with disabilities. This information will take into account the unique challenges created by the individual’s disability and the physical nature of the workplace, and will be created in consultation with the employee.
Spicers will review individualized workplace emergency response information:
• When the employee moves to a different location in the Company;
• When the employee’s overall accommodations needs or plans are reviewed; and
• When the Company reviews its general emergency response procedures.
Individual Accommodation Plans
By January 1, 2016, Spicers will have a written process in place for the development of documented individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities.
Information regarding accessible formats and accommodation supports provided will be included in the individual accommodation plans if requested.
Where required, the individual plans will include individualized workplace emergency response information and will identify any other accommodation to be provided.
The Company will ensure that the individual accommodation plan is provided in a format that takes into account the employee’s accessibility needs due to a disability.
Return-to-Work Process
By January 1, 2016, Spicers will develop and implement return to work processes for employees who are absent from work due to a disability and require disability-related accommodation(s) in order to return to work.
The return to work process will outline the steps Spicers will take to facilitate the employee’s return to work and shall use documented individual accommodation plans (as described in section 28 of the regulation).
Performance Management Process and Career Development and Advancement
By January 1, 2016, Spicers Canada ULC will consider the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities when implementing performance management processes, or when offering career development or advancement opportunities. Individual accommodation plans will be consulted, as required.
By January 1, 2016, where Spicers has a redeployment process in place, it will take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities as well as any individual accommodation plans during the redeployment process.
Modifications to This or Other Policies
Spicers is committed to developing employment policies that respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. Therefore, no changes will be made to this policy before considering the impact on applicants, prospective employees and employees with disabilities.
Any employment policy of Spicers that does not respect and promote the dignity and independence of applicants, prospective employees and employees with disabilities will be modified or removed.
If you would like more information, please contact us at:
Human Resources Department
Spicers Canada ULC
200 Galcat Drive, Vaughan, Ontario L4L 0B9
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 905-265-5000
Confidential Fax: 905-265-2037